Here will appear some questions that I occasionally have. I ask the questions because I don't have the answers. Maybe one of you knows the answer.
Why does time move only in one direction? This is a real tough one!
What is it with weight? Wen I was young I was skinny as a rail. I wanted to put on weight and fill out. Now that I am much much older I have filled out, and more! If I breath I put on weight. I have even had my stomach modified so I can only eat very small amounts and I still put on weight! Oh, my!
As I drive through Connecticut, why is it that I don't see any wind turbines? I see them in other states. The one above is in New Hampshire.
A related Question, why don't we see more photovoltaic panels on homes and business to generate electricity?
I know that they can be somewhat expensive, but are they THAT expensive? Don't they also promise to save on electric bills?
The Big Question!!! Who designs the Interstate Highways? I mean who designed I-84 through Waterbury, CT? Whoever it was should be condemned to drive the Highway twice a day every day for eternity!
This one is hard! Why do people vote against their own self interest? Who in their right mind thinks that they will benefit if the very rich are given more tax breaks? Most of us aren't extremely rich, let's face it, so why do people who are middle class vote to give breaks to the wealthy? I am constantly amazed and baffled!
Who's on First?
Why do we have speed limits? It appears that no one pays attention to them, even the Police. The next time you are out on the road you will see what I mean.