Buy the Mini Model Camera with 3 lenses at the Photojojo Store!
I thought the model camera above was just too cute! I had to include it.
Well my life isn't exactly chaos any more, but it does seem to be changing substantially. Right now I spend 5 days a week with my father to help him and three days at home. At home is kind of an euphemism because when I am home I am running around doing the things that didn't get done during the week. It also seems that everyone is having a picnic I need to attend. I have made about half of these picnics. I spend free time working on my sermon. Yes, it's summer and I am filling in at churches.
One of the more difficult things this year has been that I have been unable to visit my son and his family in Arizona. Earlier this year it was money, then it was health, now it needing to help my father that prevents me from going. My granddaughter is growing up and I am missing it!
No matter how much it may seem that I am complaining, I really am very thankful. I am thankful to be alive and I am thankful my father is too and it is a pleasure to be able to help him. Anything else is that may be inconvenient is just that, a minor inconvenience.
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