Thursday, February 25, 2010

Been Away

I've been away for a while.  I went to Rhode Island for my Aunt's wake and funeral.  That was a sad affair, but she had lived a good life and what she was doing before she died wasn't really living.  She is with her Mother and Father and Sister(my Mother) now.  They were all beloved to her.

Immediately after that I went to Boston for four days.  I have a friend up there I have been visiting and doing some work with.  She lives right in the city in south Boston.  City life is so different!  I took the train because a cars is a real liability.  Parking is real tough.  My friend and I worked hard and played hard too.  It was a good time.  It is just the sort of thing I have been needing to get over some tough things in my life.

I am back now and I spent most of yesterday talking to her on the phone.  It was mostly unfinished business. I also went to T'ai Chi.  Today has been picking up on local unfinished business.  I need to get ready for my next trip, this time to see my family in Arizona.  I haven't seen my son or my granddaughter in over a year!  That is far too long, but funds and circumstances have delayed things.  I hate flying these days, but I really want to see them!  The train was a delight (Amtrak.)  Unfortunately a train to Arizona and back would be too expensive.  It would be fun I bet!

It's been rain, rain, rain the last few days; Gloomy weather, but better than snow and ice!

I hope your day is a bright one!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Good Woman, Good Life

Yesterday morning early my father, who is 98, called me to tell me that my aunt, 94, died during that night.  She was my mother's sister and was born two years after my mother.  I have been a bit broken up about this and it has taken me this long to write about it.  My aunt and my mother were close as sister can be.  They both lived through the trauma of loosing their mother (my grandmother) to the 1938 hurricane.

My aunt is survived by two children.  They have numerous children themselves and some of those children have children.  She, therefore, was many times a great grandmother.  Since I have a grand child she was also a great grand aunt.

Two years ago she suffered several strokes that sent her to assisted living.  This past fall she had to be moved to a nursing home.  My father and I visited her last week and she was mostly unresponsive.  I think she knew we were there.  It was a difficult visit.  Clearly the quality of her life had changed and not for the better.

I have good memories of her and she has a great legacy in her family.  God bless you aunt Bea!  I"ll miss you.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Late -Late

For the second night in a row I am up far too late!  Believe it or not I haven't been drinking coffee this evening either!  I need some sleep so good night!

Saturday, February 06, 2010


I think I may have overdone it this week.  I laid low today and rested.  Last night I came home and just fell asleep.   Hopefully I will gradually be able to increase my stamina so I won't have this kind of problem again.  I have just become involved in a new project which involves media promotion of businesses.  This is very new for me so I'll just have to see how it goes.  One thing about this, I don't have much time to worry about the emptiness of my life.  I guess if one's life is busy it isn't really empty.  I guess what I mean is that I really don't have anyone to really share things with any more.

The interesting thing about what I am doing is that it gives me the opportunity to combine several interests, computers, photography, movies, and writing.  I am also involved with some new people.  It is all quite stimulating.

Tomorrow, I am off running again.  Oh, and tomorrow I will be a year older!  This year is so different from last year.  This is both good and bad.  I have lost and I have gained.  I am alive.  I have survived cancer for five years now.  This is a life bonus.  Thank you God and thank you to all those Doctors and Nurses who helped me.

Have a great evening.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Busy, busy day today and I am exhausted.  I am looking into a new business venture and at the same time some of the regular ones are getting busy.  Everything in life seems to happen all at once.  Some of this stuff cold easily happened last week when I was bored, don't you think?   In any case I will be doing some of my least favorite things, working on web sites.  That's where the money is though.  I do need to supplement my income now.  Remember, my income just got cut a bit!

I am very tired so this will be short.  I am headed to bed shortly.  I need to start planning to visit my son and his family in Arizona.  I desperately  want to see my granddaughter!  Tomorrow some planning for that and it looks like I make some changes to DNS.  That's always fun!

Good night for now.
