I thought it was time to change the picture on my blog profile. I generally do not like pictures of me, but the one that was there was several years old. I was wearing a wig post chemotherapy. This picture was taken by a friend last night so is quite new. (And no wig!) I can't say that I like it all that much, but it is current. I might have had a better smile, but it is what it is. I will be looking for new pictures of me to post that kind of reflect the "new" me. Of course, no matter how I look, I am still the same person inside with the same personality. Pictures so tell only part of the story of a person.
I included a second one with a strange smile, just for good measure. What was I thinking? Actually I have been asking that question of myself a lot recently. I really have no answer to that question. I wish I did.
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