As I look back on my life a bit I find opportunities that were lost and paths not taken. It is a bit fun to imagine what if. What if's are fun, but they are not really helpful. Yesterday I went to a seminar on weight loss surgery. It was very informative and made some things clear to me. I am at one of those decision points in my life. One where in the future I might say "what if." I am at this point inclined to move forward with Lap-Band surgery. It is the least invasive of the surgeries and it is reversible. I am not planning on a reversal, but in consultation with my Oncologist it seems the safest. If I should need future chemotherapy (God forbid) a reversal might be necessary to prevent malnutrition. The last time I had Chemo it was touch and go at the end as it was.
I am not really looking forward to another surgery, but this one seems to make sense. I have lost a lot of weight in the past and probably could again, but I have never been able to keep the weight off. I fit the profile of a person who needs this surgery. My BMI is just on the edge of needing the surgery, but there are other weight related issues that I have developed that say, "do it,lady." I will keep you all updated in any case.
Today I saw my Oncologist and everything seems OK. I will probably have my last cancer-related CAT scan this spring (or just before the Lap-Band surgery.) I have survived the cancer for three years and I hope for more. Tomorrow I see yet another Doctor, a new one. This Doctor is for my Sleep Apnea. I haven't seen anyone for this since I was first evaluated almost 15 years ago. I am also scheduled for a new sleep study a week from Sunday. My medical visits seem to come in bursts.
I had a nice dinner with a friend after the Doctor's appointment. I had some gift cards for Chili's. We really didn't spend much though. It was good company, good conversation and good food.
Next week I hope to get to visit with my father. I have been so busy with various appointments and he lives just far enough away to make a casual visit kind of difficult. It is wicked cold here. You keep warm and I'll try to also.
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